AnalyzeQuran is a platform, which allows not just reading but studying and analyzing Quran. With this app, anyone can begin analyzing Quran’s verses and words to understand how the creator is talking to his creation through this great book.

The Multi Function Common Console is designed to support your MCM operations but can of course be used for other mission setups if required. The console has been designed with a focus on ergonomics to optimize the operator’s work environment during prolonged hours of duty.
- 02 marine grade 24 inches touch display
- TID is 12.1 inches
- Trackball & Keyboard with backlit

Virtual Classroom

The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is an electronic navigational chart system. A very intuitive and easy to use tool to plan, optimize and review route options in seconds. It provides you with user-friendly route optimization, voyage planning and reliable track management of vessel.

DrugVerifier is seamlessly integrated with a manufacturer’s existing production infrastructure. Each medicine is assigned a unique code which is then printed on the packaging in the form of a 2D barcode as well as stored in a central database. Consumers can use the DrugVerifier mobile app to scan the 2D barcode and verify the drug directly from the database.